Local URL Viewer
The Local URL Viewer is a separate program that ships with RCEdit. Its purpose is to display HTML pages in the default browser in the order specified by the user. This is useful for displaying a list of files that are not linked together in a specific way. An example would be the need to print 100 files that have no linked index. Selecting each file from within the browser's file open dialogs would take a great deal of time.
The Local URL Viewer program is set to always stay on top of all other windows. This allows easy access to the basic navigation controls that facilitate movement between the selected files.
User should note that the files are currently stored in a list in the reverse order that they are selected. User should select the last file first. Multiple selections are allowed with the file browser dialog. The file list is reset each time a selection or selections are made from the file browser.
This program does not have to be executed from RCEdit. A user can make a shortcut to the program executable that is stored in the RCEdit program directory.